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Meaning of the Name Borr

The first name Borr is of Swedish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Swedish: Youth

Similar Names

Bar | Bari | Barr | Barra | Barre | Barry | Bary | Beer | Beor | Beore |

Related Names

Agnes  (Scottish)
Chaste, Pure; Borrowed from Greek
Angela  (Scottish)
Guiding Spirit, Messenger of God. Borrowed from English
Angelica  (Scottish)
Like an Angel; Heavenly. Borrowed from English
Bassanio  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonia, Who Borrows from Antonio to Pursue His Successful Suit for Portia
Borre  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Arthur
Borre  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Birger: Helping
Borris  (Slavic)
Variant of Boris: Warrior. Famous Bearers: Monster Movie Actor Boris Karloff and Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Canice  (Scottish)
Handsome, Comey; a Borrowing from the Irish, Canice is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Coinneach (Handsome, Comely)
Donn  (Scottish)
Brown, Brown Haired; a Borrowing from the Irish, Dorn is Derived from the Gaelic Don (Brown, Brown-haired). Variatons: Don
Eugene  (Scottish)
Well Born, Noble; a Borrowing from the French, Eugene is Derived from the Latin Eugenius, Which is from Eugenes (Well-bom, Noble). Short Names: Gene. (Yoo-jeen)
Harold  (Scottish)
Leader of the Army; a Borrowing from the English Harold
Kieran  (Scottish)
Balck-haired; a Borrowing from the Irish, Kieran is the Irish Form of the Gaelic Ciaran (Little Dark One), Which is from Ciar (Black, Dark), a Word Meaning 'Dark-haired' or 'Black-haired' When Applied
Magnus  (Scottish)
Great; a Borrowing from the Latin, Magnus is Derived from Magnus (Great). The Name Was Brought to the British Isles by the Scandinavians During the Middle Ages. Manus is the Gaelic Form. (Mag-nus)
Niall  (Scottish)
A Borrowing from the Irish, Niall is a Very Old Yet Still Popular Gaelic Name of Debated Meaning. Some Believe it is Derived from Niadh (A Champion). Others Think it is from Neall (Cloud). (Ni-ahl)
Pablo  (Spanish)
Quentin  (Scottish)
A Borrowing from the French, Quentin is from the Latin Quenttnus, a Derivative of the Roman Personal Name Quintus, Which is from Quintus (The Fifth)
Rance  (African)
Borrowed (Rencei, Rancell, Ransel, Ransell)
Richard  (English)
A Borrowing from the Old French, Richard is Derived from the Old High German Richart, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Ric, Rik (Power, Ruler) and Hard (Strong, Brave, Hearty). Short Forms:
Rona  (Scottish)
Of Uncertain Derivation, Rona Can Be a Feminine Form of Ronald (Wise Ruler, Powerful Ruler) or a Borrowing of the Name of a Hebridean Island. Variations: Rhona. (Ro-nah)
Saul  (Hebrew)

Additional Names

Vanisha | Zerubbabel | Dorcas | Ealhhard | Ellwood | Saahir | Sisamai | Asad | Cuddy | Sandhya | Wapi | Chris | Frederika | Luigina | Sonja |