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Meaning of the Name Bourne

The first name Bourne is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Brook

Similar Names

Berne | Borna | Bourn | Burn | Burne | Burney | Burnie | Byrne | Brune |

Related Names

Bradbourne  (English)
From the Broad Brook
Claybourne  (English)
From the Clay Brook
Claybourne  (Teutonic)
Dearbourne  (English)
From the Deer Brook
Derebourne  (English)
From the Deer Brook
Melba  (Australian)
Derived from the Australian City of Melbourne
Melbourne  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Osbourne  (Scandinavian)
Born from a Bear
Osbourne  (English)
Divine Warrior
Radbourne  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Sanbourne  (English)
From the Sandy Brook
Sherbourne  (English)
From the Clear Brook
Washbourne  (English)
From the Flooding Brook

Additional Names

Demi | Morrie | Tuwa | Morton | Margo | Godfrey | MacMaureadhaigh | Asia | Lauraine | Ine | Cher | Shemaiah | Innes | Nastas | Barney |