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Meaning of the Name Brea

88 names found for "Brea"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Brea is of Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna

Similar Names

Barra | Beer | Beera | Ber | Bera | Berea | Borya | Breri | Brier | Bror |

Related Names

Abel  (Hebrew)
Breath; Son; Breathing Spirit. in the Old Testament, Abel Was the Son of Adam and Eve Who Was Killed by His Brother Cain in a Fit of Jealousy
Abel  (Biblical)
'Vanity, Breath, Vapor. Also a City, Mourning'
Abel  (Hebrew)
A Breath
Abela  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apela: Breath; Breathing Spirit (Hawaiian Variant of Abel)
Abell  (Hebrew)
Exhalation of Breath. The Second Son of Adam in the Bible. The Variant Able is Used As an English Surname
Abella  (French)
Able  (Hebrew)
Exhalation of Breath. The Second Son of Adam in the Bible. The Variant Able is Used As an English Surname
Ahelia  (Hebrew)
Ahelie  (Hebrew)
Andras  (Norse)
Anemone  (Greek)
Annapurna  (Indian)
Goddess of Bread
Apela  (Hawaiian)
Breath; Breathing Spirit (Hawaiian Variant of Abel)
Avel  (Greek)
Avel  (Greek)
Breath, Mortality of Man
Beth  (Gaelic)
Breath of Life; Also Short for Elizabeth
Beth-lehem  (Biblical)
House of Bread
Beth-lehem  (Biblical)
House of Bread
Branwyn  (Welsh)
Breac  (Scottish)
Breanainn  (Celtic)
Breandan  (Gaelic)
Breandan  (Irish)
Breandan  (Celtic)
Breandan  (Gaelic)
Little Raven
Breandan  (Irish)
Little Raven
Breanna  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Strong, Virtuous, Honorable
Breanne  (Irish)
Breasal  (Irish)
Pain. Also a Variant of Brasil: War
Bree  (Irish)
Hill. Also Abbreviation of Brina and Breanna
Bria  (Irish)
Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna
Brianna  (Irish)
Strong, Virtuous, Honorable, Feminine Form of Brian. (Breana, Breanna, Bryanna). Origin: Celtic
Brielle  (Irish)
Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna
Bronwen  (Welsh)
Dark and Pure. White Breast, White Breasted
Bronwyn  (Welsh)
Dark and Pure. White Breast, White Breasted
Chickoa  (Native American)
Dawn  (English)
Aurora. The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak. Dawn. from the English Word Dawn
Dawna  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawne  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnelle  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnetta  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnette  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnielle  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnika  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dedan  (Biblical)
Their Breasts, Friendship, a Judge
Dragon  (American)
Fire-breathing Creature
Fomax  (Latin)
Goddess of Bread
George  (Greek)
From 'Georgos' Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: St George, Patron Saint of England, Who Struggled With a Fire Breathing Dragon Symbolizing the Devil
George  (English)
Farmer. in Medieval Legend St. George: (The Knight Who Became Patron Saint of England) Struggled With a Fire-breathing Dragon Symbolizing the Devil
88 names found for "Brea"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Thea | Gracia | Roderick | Hippodameia | Lila | Candace | Parnassus | Karif | Miniamin | Rikke | Treoweman | Jasmyne | Talor | Tisha | D'Arcy |