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Meaning of the Name Brodi

The first name Brodi is of Scottish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Variant of Brody: Second Son

Similar Names

Bardi | Brad | Bradd | Brady | Brede | Brod | Broddy | Brodee | Brodey | Brodie |

Related Names

Broden  (Scottish)
Reference to Castle Brodie in Scotland
Brodie  (Scottish)
Variant of Brody: Second Son
Brothaigh  (Gaelic)
From Brodie

Additional Names

Ashkenaz | Berdine | Izaak | Brendan | Nephusim | Valkoinen | Gardner | Maria | Ally | Gilalai | Whitby | Tam | Carmelina | Jemimah | Kozakura |