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Meaning of the Name Burn

125 names found for "Burn"   (page 1 of 3) 

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The first name Burn is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Brook

Similar Names

Bairn | Baran | Barin | Barny | Baron | Bearn | Beorn | Bern | Berne | Berny |

Related Names

Aesoburne  (English)
Lives Near the Ash Tree Brook
Alburn  (English)
Noble Warrior
Anaharath  (Biblical)
Dryness, Burning, Wrath
Anaharath  (Biblical)
Dryness, Burning, Wrath
Ashburn  (English)
Lives Near the Ash Tree Brook
Auburn  ()
Fine Appearing, Delicately Constituted
Aud  (English)
Diminutive of Audrey: Originally a Diminutive of Etheidreda. Famous Bearer: Famous Actress Audrey Hepburn
Barnet  (English)
Of Honorable Birth. Also Derives from the Old English Word for Burning. Also in Use As a Variant of Bernard
Bay  (French)
Variant of Bayard 'Auburn-haired.'
Bay  (English)
Variant of Bayard Auburn-haired
Bayard  (French)
Auburn-haired. Bayard Was a Sixteenth-century French Knight and National Hero Renowned for Valor and Purity of Heart
Bayard  (English)
Baylen  (English)
Variant of Bayard Auburn-haired
Baylen  (French)
Variant of Bayard 'Auburn-haired.'
Beor  (Biblical)
Burning, Foolish, Mad
Blackburn  (English)
Black Brook
Bradburn  (English)
From the Broad Brook
Brandais  (Dutch)
Burnt Wine
Brande  (Dutch)
Burnt Wine
Brandeis  (German)
Dwells on a Burned Clearing
Brandie  (Dutch)
Burnt Wine
Brandy  (Dutch)
Burnt Wine
Brent  (English)
Derived from a Surname and Place Name; Based on the Old English Words for High Place, Steep Hill, or Burnt. Used Occasionally As a First Name in North America Since the S
Brindley  (English)
Variant of Brinley: Burnt Wood
Brinley  (English)
Burnt Meadow
Brinley  (English)
Burnt Wood
Brinly  (English)
Variant of Brinley: Burnt Wood
Brynley  (English)
Variant of Brinley: Burnt Wood
Brynly  (English)
Variant of Brinley: Burnt Wood
Burnaby  (Norse)
Warrior's Estate
Burnard  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave As a Bear
Burnard  (English)
Variant of Bernard 'strong As a Bear.'
Burne  (Irish)
Bear; Brown
Burne  (English)
From the Brook
Burneig  (English)
Lives on the Brook Island
Burnel  (French)
Variant of Burnell: Little Brown Child
Burnell  (English)
Variant of Bernard 'strong As a Bear.'
Burnell  (Irish)
Bear; Brown
Burnell  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Strong As a Bear
Burnell  (French)
Reddish Brown Haired
Burnette  (Irish)
Bear; Brown
Burnette  (English)
Bear; Brown
Burney  (English)
Lives on the Brook Island
Burney  (Irish)
Bear; Brown
Burnie  (English)
Variant of Birney: Small River or Stream With an Island
Burns  (English)
Son of Byrne
Byrn  (English)
Variant of Burne: Brook
Camilla  (Latin)
Servant for the Temple; Free-born; Noble. Feminine Form of Camillus. Famous Bearer: Roman Mythological Volscian Warrior Queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's Th Century Novel 'Camilla'
Chadburn  (English)
From the Wildcat Brook
125 names found for "Burn"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Colvill | Selk | Andrea | Janette | Wende | Arrosa | Janella | Taru | Lexina | Creighton | Bianka | Yori | Corliss | Hisano | Colum |