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Meaning of the Name Burns

The first name Burns is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Son of Byrne

Similar Names

Barnes | Bruns | Byrnes |

Related Names

Hlinka  (Czechoslovakian)
Burns Lime
Joash  (Biblical)
Who Despairs or Burns
Josiah  (Biblical)
The Lord Burns; the Fire of the Lord
Robert  (Scottish)
Famed; Bright; Shining. King Robert the Bruce. Robert Burns the Poet

Additional Names

Enriqueta | Jahaziah | Lovisa | Robbie | Enid | Mitsu | Eskil | Akinlana | Uranus | Jamie | Chemarims | Blithe | Upama | Liberty | Brandan |