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Meaning of the Name Canterbury

The first name Canterbury is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'King Henry V' Archbishop of Canterbury

Related Names

Anseim  (English)
Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Ansel  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Ansell  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Anselma  (English)
Feminine Form of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
August  (Latin)
Majestic Dignity; Grandeur. St. Augustine Was the First Archbishop of Canterbury
Augustine  (Latin)
From Augustus Meaning Magic Majestic, Dignity, or Venerable. Augustine Was the First Archbishop of Canterbury, Sent to Britain As a Missionary by the Pope
Bourchier  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Cardinal Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury
Cranmer  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Archbishop of Canterbury
Dunstan  (English)
Hill of Stone, from the Old English 'Dun' Meaning Hill, and Stan Meaning Stone. Famous Bearer: Th Century St Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury
Geoffrey  (German)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale
Jeffery  (German)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale
Jeffrey  (German)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale

Additional Names

Leana | Nebushasi_hahban | Kshitija | Calneh | Yoko | Shelly | Louisa | Samirah | Annabel | Sohalia | Flower | Afa | Odella | Lulu | Leal |