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Names That Mean Cari

58 names found for "Cari"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Cari? We couldn't find the exact name Cari, but listed below are some first names meaning Cari or names similar to the word Cari.

Similar Names

Cahir | Car | Carew | Carey | CarIo | Carr | Cary | Ccri | Cirio | Ciro |

Related Names

Leif  (Scandinavian)
Son; Descendant. According to Norse Legend Viking Leif Eriksson Landed His Longboat on North American Shores Some Years Before Columbus Arrived in the Caribean
Macaria  (Greek)
Macario  (Spanish)
Makarios  (Greek)
Anointed (Macario, Maccario)
Marcario  (Greek)
Zacarias  (Portuguese)
Jehovah Has Remembered
Zacarias  (Spanish)
Remembered by God
Zachariah  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord (Zac, Zach, Zacariah, Zacharias, Zachary)

Additional Names

Modesty | Tiffany | Hrut | Urswick | Capek | Vasupoojya | Sabina | Lacy | Ha | David | Jedd | Cassio | Hara | Daned | Cetus |