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Names That Mean Cario

Looking for names that mean Cario? We couldn't find the exact name Cario, but listed below are some first names meaning Cario or names similar to the word Cario.

Similar Names

Cahir | Car | Carew | Carey | CarIo | Carr | Cary | Ccri | Cesario | Charro |

Related Names

CarIo  (Italian)
The Italian Form of Charles; Meaning Strong or Manly, Occasionally Used in English-speaking Countries
Iscariot  (Biblical)
A Man of Murder; a Hireling
Judas  (Greek)
Greek Form of Judah. The Apostle, Judas Iscariot, Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver. As a Result, the Name Judas is Used As a Synonym for 'Traitor' and is Not Often Used As a First Nam
Judas  (Hebrew)
Variant of Judah: Praise. The Praised One. This Name Has Become Synonymous With Traitor, As the Apostle Judas Iscariot Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver
Macario  (Spanish)
Makarios  (Greek)
Anointed (Macario, Maccario)
Marcario  (Greek)

Additional Names

Abdalrahman | Amalia | Rehoboth | Vidur | Ayobami | Ysberin | Shakti | Izso | Langston | Roldan | Oswald | Centaurus | Laird | Calantha | Sabeans |