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Meaning of the Name Carlisle

The first name Carlisle is of English, Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Protected Tower; from the Walled City. Also a Place Name in Britain
Shakespearean: 'King Richard the Second' Bishop of Carlisle

Related Names

Cairistiona  (Gaelic)
A Follower of Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christina. Variations: Carlisle. Pet: Stineag. (Kare-ih-styo-nah)
Carlyle  (English)
Variant of Carlisle: from the Protected Tower; from the Walled City
Corliss  (English)
From the Name Carl or Carlisle

Additional Names

Rayner | Bryn | Leal | Pedro | Scott | Braddford | Baltasar | Gitanjali | Dumali | Mare | Dannelle | Addy | Auda | Lear | Tiffany |