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Meaning of the Name Caroline

The first name Caroline is of Scottish, Italian, French, English, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Feminine Form of Charles: Manly
Italian: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison With Poet Lord Byron
French: Song of Happiness
English: Joy. Song of Happiness. Also Feminine Variant of Charles: Manly
Latin: Feminine Form of Charles
Latin: Beautiful Woman

Similar Names

Carlin | Carlino | Carolan | Carollan | Caralyn | Carilyn | Carilynne | Carlene | Carlyn | Carlynn |

Related Names

Caree  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Carey  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Carla  (Anglo Saxon)
Feminine Form of Charles (Carlotta, Karla, Caroline, Charlotte)
Carlota  (Spanish)
From the Name Charlotte or Caroline
Carol  (English)
A Feminine Form of Charles Meaning Strong or Manly. Also a Diminutive of Caroline. Also Used As the Feminine of Carl Meaning Joy
Carolina  (Latin)
Strong. A Latinized Form of Caroline. Famous Bearer: the American States of North and South Carolina Were Named After British King Charles I
Carolina  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
Carolyn  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
Carree  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Carrie  (Italian)
A Diminutive of Caroline, Often Used As an Independent Name
Carrie  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Charlotte  (Teutonic)
Man, Other Forms Are, Caroline, Carrie, Lotty, Energetic, Wise
Lina  (Latin)
Diminutive of Carolina: Strong. A Latinized Form of Caroline. Famous Bearer: the American States of North and South Carolina Were Named After British King Charles I

Additional Names

Oris | Aloysia | Mishenka | Kei | Foma | Kendrik | Celenne | Mala | Jerren | Atsidi | Teodoro | Crissie | Nusi | Uma | Murdag |