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Meaning of the Name Carolus

The first name Carolus is of Gaelic, French, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Champion
French: Strong
English: Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor

Similar Names

Carlos | Carolos | Charles | Cyrillus | Caralisa |

Related Names

Carol  (English)
Manly, Strong. A Variant of Charles; from Carolus, the Latinized Form of the Name. Famous Bearer: Pope John Paul Ii's Real Name is Karol Wojtyla. Karol is a Variant Spelling of Carol Used in Several E

Additional Names

Laura | Fae'iqa | Adrienne | Wickam | Norwel | Abhijit | Anudeep | Asbiom | Anisa | Friedrich | Malita | Sophia | Bernadina | Sana'A | Livia |