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Meaning of the Name Caspar

The first name Caspar is of Saxon, Persian, German, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Saxon: Gift Bearer
Persian: Keeper of the Treasure. Caspar Was One of Three Magi Who Traveled from Afar to Find the Baby Jesus
German: Royal
English: Wealthy Man

Similar Names

Caffar | Casper |

Related Names

Cash  (English)
Diminutive of Caspar: Wealthy Man
Casper  (English)
Variant of Caspar: Wealthy Man
Cass  (English)
Diminutive of Caspar: Wealthy Man
Gaspar  (French)
French Form of Caspar
Gaspard  (French)
French Form of Caspar
Jaspar  (Arabic)
Variant of Caspar or Gaspar: Keeper of the Treasure
Jasper  (Persian)
Keeper of Treasure. Derived from Gaspar or Caspar
Jasper  (Arabic)
Variant of Caspar or Gaspar: Keeper of the Treasure
Kaspar  (Polish)
Keeper of the Treasure. Form of Caspar

Additional Names

Tait | Yanamari | Akihiko | Whitney | Gunther | Erling | Roddy | Zafir | Tandice | Filomena | Jalil | Enlai | Eigil | Kippar | Chessa |