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Names That Mean Cass

58 names found for "Cass"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Cass? We couldn't find the exact name Cass, but listed below are some first names meaning Cass or names similar to the word Cass.

Similar Names

Cace | Cai | Caio | Caius | Cas | Casca | Case | Casey | Cash | Cassio |

Related Names

Kassie  (English)
Abbreviation of Cassandra. Unheeded Prophetess. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded
Kaz  (Polish)
From Cassius
Kezia  (Biblical)
Superficies, the Angle, Cassia
Kezia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Keziah: 'Cassia; Sweet-scented Spice.' Keziah Was One of Job's Three Fair Daughters in the Bible. This Name Was Popular With Puritans in the Th Century
Keziah  (Hebrew)
Cassia; Sweet-scented Spice. Keziah Was One of Job's Three Fair Daughters in the Bible. This Name Was Popular With Puritans in the Th Century
Pablo  (Spanish)
Variant of Paul: Small. Famous Bearer: Artist Pablo Picasso (-)
Pindarus  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' a Servant to Cassius
Sandra  (English)
Unheeded Prophetess. A Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded. Also Used As an Independent Name. Also a Feminin

Additional Names

Magdalene | Vladya | Cailean | Brick | Bhikkhuni | Mirande | Jorgenr | Priestly | Avigail | Banan | Kochava | Perzsi | Callum | Emiliano | Leelanee |