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Meaning of the Name Cathleen

The first name Cathleen is of Greek, Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Pure. Clear
Irish: Variant of Katherine: Pure. Clear. Innocent. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin

Similar Names

Catalin | Catalyn | Catelyn | Cathlin | Catlin | Catlyn |

Related Names

Catherine  (Greek)
Pure, Purity (Caitin, Caterina, Cathee, Cathi, Cathy, Cathlin, Caty, Kathy, Kathie, Kate, Katy, Katie, Cathleen, Kathleen)

Additional Names

Enoka | Manfrit | Anatolios | Shuah | Margaret | Cesara | Galiena | Brothaigh | Tania | Kay | Oddveig | Vandit | Cisleu | Andra | Cinnfhail |