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Meaning of the Name Ceit

The first name Ceit is of Gaelic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Pure

Similar Names

Caith | Cat | Cedd | Chait | Chet | Cid | Cait | Ceto | Cyst |

Related Names

Abiram  (Biblical)
High Father; Father of Deceit
Cait  (Scottish)
Derived from the English Kate; Also Short for of Gaelic Caitriona (Pure, Unsullied). Variations: Ceit (Kate)
Caitriona  (Gaelic)
Pure, Unsullied; a Gaelic Form of Katherine. Anglicization: Catriona and Catrina. Variations: Caitriana, Catrina, Catriona. Short Forms: Cait, Ceit. Pet: Ceiteag, Tnona. (Kay-tree-o-nah)
Ceithin  (Welsh)
Legendary Uncle of Lugh
Dalmatia  (Biblical)
Deceitful Lamps, Vain Brightness
Dalmatia  (Biblical)
Deceitful Lamps, Vain Brightness
Kate  (Scottish)
Pure, Unsullied; a Short Form of Catherine. Gaelic Variations: Cait and Ceit. Pet Name: Katie
Mekledoodum  (Native American)
Conceited (Algonquin)
Miles  (Greek)
Crusher, Latin, Warrior, Dauntless, Conceited, Rash, Lacking in Imagination
Modestine  (Latin)
Without Conceit; Modest
Modesty  (American)
Without Conceit
Modesty  (Latin)
Without Conceit; Modest
Otto  (Teutonic)
Rich, Conceited, Intelligent, Energetic, Women Do Not Admire Him
Raphael  (Hebrew)
Healing of God, Sociable, Talented, Musical, Hates Conceited Persons.(Rafael)

Additional Names

Karah | Pasqual | Rajan | Walt | Lydia | Muhammed | Verna | Garnoc | Suzette | Amol | Aliz | Amaan | Alexine | Elizaveta | Aizza |