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Meaning of the Name Charlie

The first name Charlie is of English, French, German origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Charles: from the Old English 'Ceorl' Meaning Man
French: Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man or Manly. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine
German: Nickname for Charles,Charlotte

Similar Names

Carl | Carlie | Carlo | Carlow | Carly | Carlyle | Charley | Charly | Caralee | Carillie |

Related Names

Flora  (Latin)
The Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Floretta  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Florette  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Florinda  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie

Additional Names

Isui | Villetta | Banon | Benedikt | Shiloh | Makya | Isha | Jodie | Christopher | Junior | Hetal | Wuyi | Errapel | Kong | Derik |