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Names That Mean Christ

568 names found for "Christ"   (page 10 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Christ? We couldn't find the exact name Christ, but listed below are some first names meaning Christ or names similar to the word Christ.

Similar Names

Chresta | Christie | Christy | Crist | Christa | Christi | Chrysta | Crista | Cristy |

Related Names

Nadalia  (Armenian)
Born on Christmas
Natal  (Spanish)
Born at Christmas
Natala  (Italian)
Born at Christmas
Natala  (Slavic)
Born on Christmas
Natalee  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalee  (Latin)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalia  (Spanish)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalia  (Latin)
Bom at Christmas
Natalia  (Russian)
Born at Christmas (Natalya,Natashenka)
Natalia  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Natalia  (Italian)
Born on Christmas
Natalie  (Latin)
Variant of Natalia: Bom at Christmas
Natalie  (French)
Born at Christmas
Natalie  (Latin)
Born on Christmas (Nathalie, Natalya, Natasha)
Natalii  (French)
Born at Christmas
Nataliia  (Bulgaria)
Born at Christmas
Natalio  (Spanish)
Born at Christmas
Natalya  (Slavic)
Born on Christmas
Natalya  (Russian)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natasha  (Latin)
Variant of Natalia: Bom at Christmas
Natasha  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Natasha  (Greek)
Born at Christmas
Natassia  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Natassia  (Greek)
Born at Christmas
Nathacha  (Greek)
Born at Christmas
Nathalee  (Latin)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalee  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalie  (Latin)
Bom at Christmas
Nathalie  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathaly  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natuche  (French)
Born at Christmas
Natyashenka  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Nessa  (Greek)
Diminutive of Agnes: Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes Was Popular Until the Refor
Nessie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Agnes: Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes Was Popular Until the Refor
Nest Nesta  (Greek)
Diminutive of Agnes: Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes Was Popular Until the Refor
Nicodemus  (Greek)
People's Victory. in the Bible, Nicodemus Assisted Joseph of Arimathea With the Burial of Jesus Christ
Ninian  (Welsh)
St. Ninian Was a Th Century Bishop Sent to Scotland to Convert the Picts to Christianity
Nitca  (Russian)
Born at Christmas
Noe  (French)
Born on Christmas, Peace
Noel  (French)
Born at Christmas (Nowell)
Noel  (French)
Noel  (Latin)
Christmas, Languid, Intellectual, Highly-strung, Retrospective, Little Ambition
Noel  (All Nationalities)
Born on Christmas Day
Noel  (French)
Noele  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
Noeleen  (French)
Feminine Form of Noel: Christmas
Noeline  (French)
Feminine Form of Noel: Christmas
Noell  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
568 names found for "Christ"   (page 10 of 12) 

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Additional Names

Iphegenia | Sakura | Codier | Checha | Mahlah | Gage | Kira | Faunus | Anjelika | Apollyon | Balthasar | Ellen | Enid | Ayoka | Fae |