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Names That Mean Christi

313 names found for "Christi"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Christi? We couldn't find the exact name Christi, but listed below are some first names meaning Christi or names similar to the word Christi.

Similar Names

Chresta | Christ | Christie | Christy | Crist | Christa | Chrysta | Chrystie | Crista | Cristie |

Related Names

Stephenson  (English)
Crown; Wreath. from Biblical Stephen, the First Christian Martyr
Stephenson  (Greek)
Crown; Wreath. in the Bible Stephen Was the First Christian Martyr. Surname
Stephon  (English)
Crown; Wreath. from Biblical Stephen, the First Christian Martyr
Stephon  (Greek)
Crown; Wreath. in the Bible Stephen Was the First Christian Martyr
Stina  (Danish)
Stinne  (Danish)
Tania  (Russian)
Diminutive of Tatiana: Name in Honour of an Early Christian Martyr
Tanya  (Russian)
Diminutive of Tatiana: Name in Honour of an Early Christian Martyr
Timon  (English)
One Who Honors God. The Biblical Timothy Was the Young Christian to Whom Paul Wrote. 'Let No Man Look Down on Your Youth.'
Timon  (Greek)
One Who Honors God. The Biblical Timothy Was the Young Christian to Whom Paul Wrote. 'Let No Man Look Down on Your Youth.'
Timothy  (English)
One Who Honors God. The Biblical Timothy Was the Young Christian to Whom Paul Wrote. 'Let No Man Look Down on Your Youth.'
Tito  (Latin)
Saved; Titus Was the Biblical Greek Christian Missionary to Whom Paul Wrote a Canonical Letter
Zelda  (German)
Diminutive of Griselda: from the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'

Additional Names

Marvina | Warren | Quinta | Dionysios | Trixy | Askelon | Mapiya | Mutee | Mercer | Mephibosheth | Proais | Ronda | Maialen | Marshall | Baird |