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Names That Mean Christoph

89 names found for "Christoph"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Christoph? We couldn't find the exact name Christoph, but listed below are some first names meaning Christoph or names similar to the word Christoph.

Similar Names

Christof | Christoff | Christophe | Cristophe |

Related Names

Cristoforo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Cristoforo  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Cristy  (English)
From the Name Christopher
Crystal  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Christopher
Crystal  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Eric  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erick  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erik  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Kester  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Khristopher  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kit  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Kit  (English)
Nickname for Christopher. Frontiersman Kit Carson
Kitt  (English)
Diminutive of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ
Kris  (Scandinavian)
Scandinavian Diminutive of Christopher: Carrier of Christ. Famous Bearer: American Singer Kris Kristofferson
Kris  (English)
Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher
Kris  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Kriss  (English)
Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher
Kristian  (English)
Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher
Kristof  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristof  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Kristofer  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristofer  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Kristofer  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristoff  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristoffer  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristofor  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristopher  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Krystof  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Krystopher  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Krzysztof  (Polish)
Polish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Lambert  (German)
Bright Land. Can Be Used As Both a Surname and First Name. Famous Bearer: Belgian-american Actor Christopher Lambert
Risto  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Christopher
Sissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Sissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Sissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Sissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Sly  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Christopher Urswick, a Priest. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Christopher Sly, a Tinker
Urswick  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Christopher Urswick, a Priest
89 names found for "Christoph"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Scead | Adya | Ernest | Mordecai | Marina | Henie | Meleager | Quint | Kim | Larya | Katherina | Aurelia | Burty | Jessamyn | Harbonah |