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Meaning of the Name Christophoros

The first name Christophoros is of Greek, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Christ Bearer
English: Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus

Similar Names

Christoforus |

Related Names

Christopher  (English)
Bearing Christ; Evolution of the Middle English Christofre, Which is from the Late Latin Christophorouss, a Derivative of the Ecclesiastic Greek Christophoros, a Compound Name Composed from Christos (

Additional Names

Blythe | Coreen | Luis | Marcus | Hiranyagarbha | Sunni | Audun | Yadu | Terje | Stafford | Perdix | MacBride | Elikai | Adara | Roxanne |