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Meaning of the Name Clair

The first name Clair is of English, French origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Diminutive of Clarence: Clear
French: Bright

Similar Names

Claire | Clare | Cliry | Clara |

Related Names

Claire  (French)
Bright and Clear
Claire  (Latin)
Variant of Clara: from the Feminine Form of the Latin Adjective 'Clarus' Meaning Bright or Clear. Also Distinguished. Famous Bearer: Twelfth Century St Clare (Or Clara) of Assisi Founded the Poor Clar
Claire  (French)
Clear, Bright. A Variant of the English Clara. Famous Bearer: British Actress Claire Bloom
Claire  (French)
Clear, Bright
Clara  (Latin)
Clear (Claire, Clarice, Clarissa, Clairette, Clarinda)
Claressa  (English)
Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clarice  (English)
A Variant of the Latin Clara, Meaning Bright or Clear. Also a Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clarissa  (English)
Variant of Clarice: a Variant of the Latin Clara, Meaning Bright or Clear. Also a Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clarrisa  (English)
Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Sinclair  (Scottish)
Surname Originated from the Place-name St. Clair in Normandy. (Seen-klare)
Sinclair  (French)
Surname Originated from the Place-name St. Clair in Normandy. (Seen-klare)
Sinclair  (French)
St. Clair
Sinclair  (English)
St. Clair
Sinclair  (Latin)
Hard Working
Sinclair  (Scottish)
Bright; Clear. from Saint Clair Sur Elle. Famous Bearer: Writer Sinclair Lewis (-)
Sinclair  (French)
A Clear Sign
Sinclaire  (French)
St. Clair
Sinclaire  (English)
St. Clair
Synclair  (English)
A Clear Sign

Additional Names

Raymund | Lucy | Boone | Rithmah | Rey | Klaudio | Zanna | Marla | Duncan | Molner | Moonshine | Cecily | Meara | Binnaha | Ardith |