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Meaning of the Name Claudia

The first name Claudia is of Latin, Spanish, Biblical, German, English, French origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Lame
Spanish: Lame
Biblical: Lame
German: Feminine of Claude
English: Feminine of Claude
Latin: Dazzling (Claudine, Gladys)
French: A Feminine Form of Claud, a Variant of the Latin Claudium Meaning Lame. Claudia Was Mentioned in the Book of Timothy in the New Testament

Similar Names

Chaldea | Claud | Clauda | Claude | Claudio | Clud | Clady | Clodia |

Related Names

Clady  (Danish)
Danish Form of Claudia
Claud  (French)
From the Roman Clan Name Claudius, Derived from the Latin Meaning Lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine
Claude  (French)
From the Roman Clan Name Claudius, Derived from the Latin Meaning Lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine
Clodia  (French)
Form of Claudia
Glad  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gladys: Derived from the Old Welsh Name Gwladys, a Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame. Also Derived from the Welsh 'Gwledig', Meaning Territorial Ruler
Gladis  (Welsh)
Variant of Claudia: Lame
Gladys  (Welsh)
Derived from the Old Welsh Name Gwladys, a Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame. Also Derived from the Welsh 'Gwledig', Meaning Territorial Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Gladys Cooper
Gladys  (Welsh)
Form of Claudia, in Anglo-saxor: a Sword
Gladys  (French)
Variant of Claudia: a Feminine Form of Claud, a Variant of the Latin Claudium Meaning Lame. Claudia Was Mentioned in the Book of Timothy in the New Testament, and Has Been Common in the English-speaki
Gwladys  (Welsh)
A Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame

Additional Names

Lida | Rowland | Rupette | Krystianna | Blandon | Dina | Viollette | Jay | Abhineet | Branwen | Saruch | Raoul | Kalpita | Girgashite | Alpin |