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Meaning of the Name Claudio

The first name Claudio is of Latin, English, Spanish, Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Has a Limp; Lame
English: Lame
Latin: Lame
Spanish: Lame
Shakespearean: 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' a Servant to Brutus. 'Measure for Measure' a Young Gentleman. 'Much Ado About Nothing' a Young Lord of Florence

Similar Names

Claud | Clauda | Claude | Clud | Clady | Claudia | Clodia |

Related Names

Claudion  (Latin)
Claudios  (Dutch)
Isabella  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' Sister to Claudio
Juliet  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' Beloved of Claudio. 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Daughter to Capulet, Who Falls in Love With Romeo, Son to Montague

Additional Names

Swithun | Laoghaire | Neville | Candice | Alayna | Violette | Vingon | Ume | Ara | Isha | Edison | Orlaithe | Sachetan | Coyne | Blaise |