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Meaning of the Name Colon

The first name Colon is of Latin, Hispanic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Dove
Hispanic: Dove

Similar Names

Calan | Calin | Caolan | Cleon | Coilin | Colan | Colhoun | Colin | Collan | Collin |

Related Names

Agrippa  (Latin)
Agrippina  (Latin)
Agrippinae  (Latin)
Colonel  (English)
Military Rank
Lincoln  (Latin)
Lakeside Colony. The Name of an Early Roman Settlement in England
Lincoln  (English)
Roman Colony at the Pool. Lakeside Colony. The Name of an Early Roman Settlement in England, Used As Both a Surname and a First Name. Famous Bearer: American President Abraham Lincoln (-)
Lindsay  (Scottish)
Scottish Surname Derived from Lincoln, a Shortened Form of Lindum Colonia, the First Part of Which is Thought to Be from the Welsh Llyn (Lake) and the Second from the Latin Colonia (Settlement, Colony
Major  (Latin)
Greater. Also a Military Rank Above Captain and Below Colonel

Additional Names

Seabright | Etney | Adolphe | Salwa | Marysia | Berk | Theodorus | Aubrey | Miliya | Mead | Monica | Amaud | Russu | Baldovino | Mangala |