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Names That Mean Comfort

65 names found for "Comfort"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Comfort? We couldn't find the exact name Comfort, but listed below are some first names meaning Comfort or names similar to the word Comfort.

Similar Names

Comforte |

Related Names

Nehum  (Biblical)
Comforter, Penitent
Nehum  (Biblical)
Comforter, Penitent
Noach  (Hebrew)
Noach  (Dutch)
Noah  (Hebrew)
Comfort; Long-lived; Repose. in the Bible, Noah Built the Ark, Allowing His Family and a Male/Female Pair of Every Species of Animal to Survive the Flood
Noe  (Hebrew)
Ohanzee  (American)
Shadow, Comforting
Raphah  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raphah  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raphu  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raphu  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Selima  (Hebrew)
Brings Comfort, Peace
Shiggaion  (Biblical)
A Song of Trouble or Comfort
Shiggaion  (Biblical)
A Song of Trouble or Comfort
Thulethu  (African)
The Comforter

Additional Names

Zalmunna | Kigva | Barry | Gary | Pramath | Ganieda | Blix | Adron | Maeleachlainn | Griselda | Kristen | Idas | Gloriana | Rikard | Shallow |