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Meaning of the Name Conchobhar

The first name Conchobhar is of Irish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Strong Dog; Strong Willed or Wise

Similar Names

Conchobar | Concobhar | Conchobara | Conchobarra | Conchobarre |

Related Names

Concobhar  (Irish)
Variant of Conchobhar: Strong Dog; Strong Willed or Wise
Conquhare  (Irish)
Variant of Conchobhar: Strong Dog; Strong Willed or Wise

Additional Names

Rannveig | Azura | Lavanya | Jesus | Devin | Edlyn | Adalwine | Zak | Hastein | Viviana | Hererinc | Erwin | Pitri | Ertha | Tuwa |