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Meaning of the Name Corinthia

The first name Corinthia is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: From Corinth
Greek: 'Woman of Corinth

Similar Names

Corinth |

Related Names

Charity  (French)
From the Old French 'Charite' Meaning Christian Love, Based on the Latin 'Cantos' Charity is Held Up in the New Testament (I Corinthians ) As the Greatest of the Three Christian Virtues, With Faith an
Maranatha  (Aramaic)
Come Quickly O Lord; Found in 1st Corinthians in the Bible

Additional Names

Madia | Daelan | Crosland | Skanda | Wilone | Urmi | Naeva | Raymond | Barra | Rimona | Wendale | Idomeneus | Philemon | Vitenka | Ankit |