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Meaning of the Name Cornelius

The first name Cornelius is of Shakespearean, Latin, Greek, Biblical, Irish origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'Cymbeline' a Physician. 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' a Courtier
Latin: From a Roman Clan Name Which is Derived from the Latin 'Cornu' Meaning Horn. Famous Bearers - a Devout Centurion Converted to Christianity by St Peter, a 3rd-century Pope, American Cornelius Vanderbil
Greek: Horn
Latin: Horn-colored
Latin: Kingly, Self-satisfied, Learned, Sympathetic, Give to Displays of Temper
Biblical: Of a Horn
Irish: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire

Similar Names

Cornelious | Cornelus | Cornilius |

Related Names

Cornel  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius 'Horn; Hornblower.'
Cornelia  (Latin)
The Feminine Form of Cornelius. Famous Bearer: Nd Century Bc Mother of the Two Roman Tribunes/Reformers Known As the Gracchi
Cornelia  (Latin)
From the Name Cornelius
Cornelia  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Cornelious  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius: Horn
Cornell  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Cornelius
Cornell  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius 'Horn; Hornblower.'
Cornella  (Latin)
Feminine of Cornelius: Horn
Cornelus  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius: Horn
Corney  (Irish)
Diminutive of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Cornilius  (Latin)
Variant of Cornelius: Horn

Additional Names

Carpus | Addeva | James | Jocelyn | Sylvester | Roscoe | Madhubala | Eddie | Opa | Gregory | Frank | Leyman | Deo | Aethelwine | Jyoti |