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Meaning of the Name Cosmo

The first name Cosmo is of Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: From 'Kosmos' Meaning Order. St Cosmas, Patron Saint of Physicians, and His Twin Brother St Damian Were Martyred in the Early Th Century
Greek: Order, Pedantic, Exact, Truthful, Vigorous
Greek: The Universe
Greek: Well Ordered

Similar Names

Chumo | Cosam | Cosima | Cosimo | Cosme | Cosma |

Related Names

Cosimo  (Italian)
The Italion Form of the Greek Cosmo, Meaning Order. Famous Bearers - Several Members of the Medici Family Including Three Grand Dukes of Tuscany
Cosimo  (Greek)
Variant of Cosmo: from 'Kosmos' Meaning Order
Cosme  (Greek)
Variant of Cosmo: from 'Kosmos' Meaning Order

Additional Names

Richelle | Jabir | Mecherath | Coire | Shantell | Xanthe | Alene | Leo | Selina | Osborn | Sabah | Salim | Daray | Forbes | Balen |