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Names That Mean Court

95 names found for "Court"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Court? We couldn't find the exact name Court, but listed below are some first names meaning Court or names similar to the word Court.

Similar Names

Cord | Cort | Curt |

Related Names

Curcio  (French)
Curt  (English)
A Diminutive of Curtis, Meaning Courteous, or an Alternative Spelling of Kurt or Cort
Curt  (French)
Diminutive of Curtis: from a Surname Derived from the Old French 'Curteis' Meaning Courteous. Also, from the Court
Curtice  (French)
Curtis  (Latin)
Curtis  (English)
Polite; Courteous
Curtis  (French)
From a Surname Derived from the Old French 'Curteis' Meaning Courteous
Curtiss  (French)
Courteous. See Also Curt
Curtiss  (English)
Courteous. See Also Curt
Damara  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaress  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaris  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damariss  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Dewan  (Islamic)
Royal Court, Tribunal of Justice (Diwan)
Eleazar  (Biblical)
Help of God; Court of God
Eliezer  (Biblical)
Help; or Court; of My God
Ezra  (Biblical)
'Help, Court'
Geraghty  (Irish)
From the Court
Guildenstern  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' a Courtier. Osric
Harcourt  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' One of the King's Party
Harcourt  (French)
From the Fortified Farm
Hazor  (Biblical)
Court, Hay
Hazor  (Biblical)
Court, Hay
Jesse  (Hebrew)
The Lord is Courteous, Sympathetic, Good-tempered, Prefers Work to Play
Kortnee  (English)
Form of Courtney Meaning 'From the Court'
Kourtney  (American)
From the Court
Kurt  (English)
Diminutive of Curtis: Polite; Courteous
Kurtis  (German)
Courtier. Also a Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Kurtis  (English)
Variant of Curtis: Polite; Courteous. Also, Variant Abreviation of Sydney
Lancelot  (Latin)
Servant, Another Form is Launcelot, Courteous, Faithful, Intelligent
Le Beau  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' a Courtier Attending Upon Frederick
Selwin  (Anglo Saxon)
Friend at Court
Selwyn  (Anglo Saxon)
Friend at Court
Shae  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shai  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shay  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous. Surname
Shayan  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shaye  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shaylon  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shey  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Touchstone  (Shakespearean)
'As Yfou Like It' the Court Jester
Ulam  (Biblical)
The Porch, the Court, Their Strength, Their Folly
Urbane  (Biblical)
Urbane  (Biblical)
Voltemand  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' a Courtier
95 names found for "Court"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Forbes | Zacharia | Thaqib | Kristian | Bethsaida | Yemon | Norah | Ive | Eumaeus | Kionah | Laurencia | Eduard | Vasistha | Hero | Marukatam |