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Meaning of the Name Crete

The first name Crete is of Biblical, Latin origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Carnal, Fleshly
Latin: From Lucretia
Biblical: Carnal, Fleshly

Similar Names

Creed | Corette | Creda |

Related Names

Annalise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Annelise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Ariadne  (Greek)
Chaste, Very Holy. Ariadne Was Greek Mythological Daughter of King Minos of Crete Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth After Killing the Minotaur
Arianna  (Greek)
Variant of Ariadne: Chaste, Very Holy. Ariadne Was Greek Mythological Daughter of King Minos of Crete Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth After Killing the Minotaur
Arlane  (Greek)
Variant of Ariadne: Chaste, Very Holy. Ariadne Was Greek Mythological Daughter of King Minos of Crete Who Aided Theseus to Escape from the Cretan Labyrinth After Killing the Minotaur
Elyse  (Hebrew)
Consecreted to God
Idomeneus  (Greek)
A King of Crete
Idomeneus  (Latin)
King of Crete
Lesa  (American)
Consecreted to God
Libby  (Hebrew)
Consecreted to God
Melisa  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Melise  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Melisha  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Melissa  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Melisse  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Meliza  (Greek)
Bee. Melissa Was Mythological Princess of Crete Who Was Transformed to a Bee After Learning How to Collect Honey
Meliza  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Minos  (Latin)
King of Crete
Missy  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey

Additional Names

Mingan | Hamd | Vigrid | Abdul Muhsen | Meredydd | Deon | Sinead | Sabra | Veleda | Vincent | Katarina | Alecta | Brenda | Zitkalasa | Shizu |