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Meaning of the Name Crisdean

The first name Crisdean is of Scottish, Gaelic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Bearing Christ, Derived from the Gaelic Criosd (Christ). The Name is Seen As Equivalent to the English Christopher
Gaelic: Christ Bearer
Scottish: Follower of Christ; Christ

Similar Names

Christan | Christian | Cristian | Cristiano | Criston | Christeen | Christen | Cristen | Cristin | Cristyn |

Additional Names

Nodin | Bahir | Daren | Lyza | Josalynn | Anukampa | Ugo | Edlyn | Jokin | Edrigu | Zondra | Adelbert | Birkee | Arthur | Calandre |