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Meaning of the Name Cuth

The first name Cuth is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Burning
Biblical: Burning

Similar Names

Caith | Cat | Cath | Cato | Coty | Cuthah | Cate | Cathi | Cathy | Ceto |

Related Names

Cuddle  (Scottish)
This Diminutive of Cuthbert May Have Given Rise to the Scottish Dialect Word 'Cuddy', Meaning Donkey
Cuddy  (Scottish)
This Diminutive of Cuthbert May Have Given Rise to the Scottish Dialect Word 'Cuddy', Meaning Donkey
Cuithbeart  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Cuithbrig  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Cuthah  (Biblical)
Cuthah  (Biblical)
Cuthbeorht  (English)
Noted Splendor
Cuthbert  (Scottish)
Bright, Famous; Compound Name Derived from the Old English Elements Cuo, Cuth (Known) and Beraht (Bright, Famous). The Name Was Borne by a 7th Century Saint from Lindisfarne. Pet Name: Cuddy
Cuthbert  (English)
Cuthbert  (English)
From the Old English 'Cuth' Meaning Famous, and 'Beorth' Meaning Bright
Cuthbert  (Teutonic)
Well-known Splendour, Level-headed, Captivating, Contented

Additional Names

Aldo | Mattenai | Aristeides | Ionna | Kambo | Blaed | Sanjukta | Quito | Ellard | Cappadocia | Fale | Heloise | Tarleton | Ysabel | Gruffudd |