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Meaning of the Name Dacey

The first name Dacey is of English, French, Gaelic, Latin origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Of the Nobility
French: Of the Nobility
Gaelic: Southerner
Gaelic: From the South (Dacie, Dacy, Dasi, Dasie)
Latin: Down Below

Similar Names

Dace | Dacia | Dacio | Dack | Dacso | Dacy | Daeg | Dicky | Daisey | Daisy |

Related Names

Dace  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Dacey: from the South
Dacia  (Gaelic)
Variant of Dacey: from the South
Dacian  (Gaelic)
Variant of Dacey: from the South

Additional Names

Anya | Sawyer | Earlena | Daibhidh | Melosa | Frannie | Willaperht | Ciarrai | Weard | Melechan | Alanzo | Tiernan | Pallas | Andrianna | Rocio |