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Meaning of the Name Dall

51 names found for "Dall"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Dall is of Gaelic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Wise

Similar Names

Dael | Dal | Dalal | Dale | Daleel | Daley | Dalil | Daly | Dawla | Dayle |

Related Names

Abdalla  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servants of Allah
Abdalla  (African)
Servant of God. (Swahili)
Abdallah  (Arabic)
Servants of Allah
Abdulla  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Abdullah  (Islamic)
Servant of Allah. (Abdallah)
Abdullah  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Crandal  (English)
Variant of Crandall: Crane Valley
Crandall  (English)
From the Crane Valley
Dal  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dalan  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dalla  (Norse)
Mother of Kormak
Dallan  (Irish)
Dallas  (Scottish)
From the Waterfall
Dallas  (Scottish)
Of the Dales, a City in the State of Texas in the United States of America
Dallas  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dallas  (Scottish)
From the Dales; the Valley Meadows. Name of a Texas City
Dallas  (Celtic)
Dwells by the Waterfall
Dallas  (Gaelic)
Wise, a City in Texas
Dallas  (Gaelic)
Dalldav  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cunyn Cov
Dallen  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dallin  (Irish)
Blind. A Saint's Name
Dallin  (English)
Dallin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Dale
Dallis  (Scottish)
From the Dales; the Valley Meadows
Dallon  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dallon  (English)
From Dale, a Valley
Dallton  (English)
Variant of Dalton: Dale Town; Valley Town
Dalon  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Gulltopp  (Norse)
The Horse of Heimdall
Kendall  (English)
Valley of the River Kent
Kendall  (Italian)
Beautiful, Interested, Bright
Kendall  (Celtic)
From the Bright Valley
Kendall  (English)
Ruler of the Bright River Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendall  (English)
Valley of the River Kent
Kendall  (English)
Variant of Kendal: Royal Valley. Derived from a Place Name and Surname 'Cumbrian', Which Means 'Valley of the River Kent'
Kyndall  (English)
Royal Valley, Referring to Kent in England
Lendall  (English)
From the Linden Tree Dell
Lindell  (Teutonic)
From the Linden Tree, Dell (Lendell, Lendall, Lindall, Lyndall)
Lyndall  (English)
Variant of Linda: Lime Tree; Linden Tree; Beautiful
Randall  (English)
Form of Randolph
Randall  (English)
From the Name Ralph
Randall  (English)
Wolf Shield. More Commonly Found As a Surname
Randall  (English)
Strong Shield; Another Form of Randolph. Origin: Anglo Saxon
Randi  (English)
Feminine of Randall (Randie, Randyl
Rendall  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Udall  (English)
From the Yew Tree Valley
Udell  (English)
Grove of Yew Trees (Dell, Eudel, Udel, Udall)
Wendall  (German)
Traveler; Wanderer
51 names found for "Dall"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Cathy | Erik | Halldis | Mira | Harmoni | Gowyn | Nalda | Berdina | Ty | Firdaus | Welsie | Gerizim | Abel | Carrola | Marvin |