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Meaning of the Name Dann

The first name Dann is of Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Judge. Biblical Fifth Son of Jacob and Founder of One of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. an Independent Name and Also an Abbreviation of Daniel

Similar Names

Dain | Daine | Daman | Damen | Damh | Damon | Dan | Dana | Dane | Danhy |

Related Names

Adanna  (African)
Her Father's Daughter. (Nigerian)
Dani  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel (Dannee, Danni, Daniele, Danita, Danyelle)
Danna  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannah  (Biblical)
Judging. God Will Judge
Dannah  (English)
A Biblical Place Name; Variant of Daniel God Will Judge
Dannalee  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannee  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannel  (Teutonic)
Teutonic Form of Daniel 'God is My Judge'
Dannell  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannelle  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danni  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannia  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannica  (Slavic)
Morning Star
Dannie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danniel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danniell  (French)
God is My Judge
Dannika  (Slavic)
Morning Star
Danno  (Japanese)
Field Gathering. Surname
Dannon  (English)
Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannon  (Hebrew)
From Daniel, Judged by God
Danny  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Daniel
Danny  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danny  (Scottish)
A Diminutive of the Hebrew Daniel, Meaning God Has Judged, or God is Judge, Frequently Used As an Independent Name. 'Danny Boy' is a Famous Scottish Folk Song
Ellery  (English)
Joyful, Happy. Famous Bearer: Ellery Queen, the Hero of a Series of Detective Stories Written by Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee
Jordanna  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. 'Down Flowing.' the River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordanna  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordanne  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Murdag  (Scottish)
Sea Warrior; a Feminine Form of Murchadh. Variations: Murdann, Murdina. Short Forms: Dina, Ina. (Moor-dah)

Additional Names

Shashee | Aidan | Shabbethai | Dickie | Hute | Genevie | Filberta | Calvex | Demetrius | Willsn | Rajan | Carcas | Atelic | Destrie | Ugbjom |