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Meaning of the Name Darcel

The first name Darcel is of French, Irish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Dark. Variant of Darcy or D'Arcy
French: Dark
Irish: Dark

Similar Names

Darcell | Darcelle |

Related Names

Darcell  (French)
Dark. Variant of Darcy or D'Arcy
Darcell  (French)
Darcell  (Irish)
Darcelle  (French)
Darcelle  (Irish)

Additional Names

Lavernia | Enygeus | Nathaniel | Susie | Pasclina | Inayat | Avinash | Ella | Earm | Alessandre | Enar | Keanan | Caton | Brigette | Taja |