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Names That Mean Dawn

78 names found for "Dawn"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Dawn? We couldn't find the exact name Dawn, but listed below are some first names meaning Dawn or names similar to the word Dawn.

Similar Names

Dain | Daine | Daman | Damen | Damh | Damon | Dan | Dana | Dane | Dani |

Related Names

Roxanne  (Persian)
Variant of Roxana: Dawn; Bright
Roxanne  (French)
Roxanne  (Persian)
Dawn (Roxanna, Roxanna, Roxie, Roxanna)
Roxy  (Persian)
Diminutive of Roxana: Dawn; Bright
Sahar  (Muslim)
Dawn. Enchantment. Fascination
Sharama  (Indian)
Dog of Dawn
Teah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Thea  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also As Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun, Moon and Dawn
Thyra  (Greek)
A Window or Goddess of Dawn
Tia  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Tiah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Udaya  (Hindu)
Udaya  (Indian)
Usha  (Indian)
dawn, sun rise
Usha  (Sanskrit)
Dawn. Mythological Daughter of Heaven and Sister of Night
Usha  (Hindu)
Dawn, Sun Rise
Ushas  (Indian)
Zaira  (Italian)
Zara  (Islamic)
As Magnificiant As the Dawn; a Variation of Sarah
Zarah  (Italian)
Zarahlinda  (Hebrew)
Beautiful Dawn
Zerlinda  (Hebrew)
Beautiful Dawn
Zora  (Slavic)
Zora  (Latin)
Golden Dawn
Zora  (Arabic)
Variant of Zorah: Dawn
Zorah  (Arabic)
Zorah  (Slavic)
Zorana  (Slavic)

Additional Names

Estelle | Revati | Beatrice | Louie | Ashur | Khateeb | Simple | Nadine | Ivi | Sameel | Tayna | Magnhilda | Fernanda | Mahpee | Hwitby |