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Meaning of the Name Debbie

The first name Debbie is of Hebrew, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Diminutive of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Hebrew: From the Name Deborah
English: Popularized As an Independent Name in the S by American Actress Debbie Reynolds

Similar Names

Debby | Deebe |

Related Names

Deborah  (Hebrew)
Bee, Materialistic, Cautious, Calm, Biblical Prophetess. (Deb, Debby, Debbie, Dee)

Additional Names

Beathag | Romaana | Maxine | Erleen | Gwydre | Fahrice | Clarahelle | Erics | Pearly | Kamala | Katle | Ardith | Antin | Sorley | Ffanci |