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Meaning of the Name Decla

The first name Decla is of Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Feminine Form of Declan the Name of a Saint

Similar Names

Dekle | Duclea |

Related Names

Beera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Bera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Deaclan  (Irish)
Variant of Declan: Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish St. Declan
Declan  (Irish)
Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish St. Declan
Declan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Irish Saint
Declan  (Irish)
Meaning Uncertain. Irish Name After St Declan Of
Declan  (Celtic)
Old Celtic Saint
Izhaar  (Muslim)
Variant of Izhar: Revelation. Declaration
Izhar  (Muslim)
Revelation. Declaration
Kazimierz  (Polish)
Declares Peace
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Megiddo  (Biblical)
His Precious Fruit, Declaring a Message
Megiddo  (Biblical)
His Precious Fruit, Declaring a Message
Megiddon  (Biblical)
His Precious Fruit, Declaring a Message
Megiddon  (Biblical)
His Precious Fruit, Declaring a Message
Prokopios  (Greek)
Declared Leader
Tohu  (Biblical)
That Lives, That Declares
Tohu  (Biblical)
That Lives, That Declares

Additional Names

Ailse | Larinda | Alao | Umair | Jorim | Antoinette | Julius | Katie | Colby | Divodas | Ahsalom | Gwyddawg | Naveenachandra | Kaylah | Mahima |