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Meaning of the Name Delisa

The first name Delisa is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Variant of Latin Delicia: Gives Pleasure

Similar Names

Delsy | Dalis | Delice | Delicea | Delicia | Delisha | Delissa | Deliz | Deliza | Delyssa |

Related Names

Adelisa  (French)
Of the Nobility. Noble
Adelisa  (German)
Of the Nobility. Noble
Idelisa  (Celtic)

Additional Names

Cabbon | Tea | Hrodny | Jambres | April | Amalia | Pearle | Henriette | Keannen | Gabriel | Thurston | Nutan | Dina | Indumati | Terrie |