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Meaning of the Name Delphine

The first name Delphine is of French, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Dolphin. Derived from the Greek Name. Famous Bearer: a Thirteenth-century French Saint
Greek: Dolphin. from the Greek Place Name Delphi, the Site of the Oracle of Apollo. Also from the Plant Name Delphinium
Greek: Flower Name
Greek: From the Flower

Similar Names

Dalphon | Delvin | Delbin | Delbina | Delbine | Delfina | Delfine | Delphina |

Related Names

Delfina  (Latin)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine
Delfina  (Spanish)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine
Della  (Greek)
Delphia  (Latin)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine
Delphia  (Spanish)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine

Additional Names

Stephano | Iman | Gertrudis | Clem | Sissy | MacDonell | Paprika | Armilla | Blair | Iwdael | Apar | Kristof | Graham | Balfour | Dermot |