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Meaning of the Name Demetria

The first name Demetria is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Goddess of Fertility
Greek: Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest

Similar Names

Demetre | Demetri | Demetrio | Demitri | Dimitri | Dmitri | Deandria | Demeter | Demetra | Demitra |

Related Names

Deetra  (Greek)
Variant of Demetria
Deitra  (Greek)
Variant of Demetria
Demetra  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demi  (English)
Abbreviation of Demetria - the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demitra  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demitras  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Detria  (Greek)
Variant of Demetria
Dimetria  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest

Additional Names

MacMurra | Larisa | Agalaia | Sihon | Faridah | Sheedy | Morven | Hayym | Aure | Roderick | Lorette | Alexandrea | Loreta | Samaved | Ahithophel |