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Meaning of the Name Demi

The first name Demi is of Greek, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Half, Small
English: Abbreviation of Demetria - the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest

Similar Names

Damh | Dani | Dean | Deen | Dema | Deman | Den | Dene | Deon | Dima |

Related Names

Academia  (Latin)
Named for Cicero's Villa
Academicus  (Latin)
Name of a Philosopher
Asha  (Sanskrit)
Hope. Mythology: the Wife of a Hindu Demigod
Ashia  (African)
Hope. Mythology: the Wife of a Hindu Demigod. (Somali)
Demetra  (Greek)
Goddess of the Harvest (Demi, Demitra, Dimitra)
Demitra  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demitras  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demitri  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Win
Demitri  (Latin)
Of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Win
Demitrius  (Latin)
Of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Win
Demitrius  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Win
Demitrius  (Greek)
Lover of the Earth
Kana  (Hawaiian)
A Maui Demigod Who Could Take the Form of a Rope and Stretch from Molokai to Hawaii
Kinner  (Hindu)
A Demi God
Tierra  (Latin)
Headdress. A Tiara is a Jeweled Headpiece or Demi-crown
Vidyadhar  (Indian)
demi god

Additional Names

Raimundo | Sonia | Lorant | Vinson | Maya | Rishab | Marilynn | Trevyn | Indrani | Abichail | Sherebiah | Keshini | Aleka | Christofer | Tamyra |