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Meaning of the Name Desire

92 names found for "Desire"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Desire is of French, English origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: The One Desired. Desired
English: Variant of French Desiree
French: Desired

Similar Names

Deseree | Desarae | Desaree | Desirae | Desiree | Desyre | Dezirae | Deziree |

Related Names

Abhilash  (Hindu)
Wish, Desire
Abhilasha  (Hindu)
Abhilasha  (Indian)
Abhinivesh  (Hindu)
Long Cherished Desire
Abhinivesha  (Hindu)
Long Cherished Desire
Aishwarya  (Hindu)
Desire for Power ( Aishvarya )
Akanksh  (Hindu)
Akanksha  (Hindu)
Desire (Akhanka)
Akanksha  (Hindu)
Apekshit  (Hindu)
Aronui  (Maori)
Desire. Great Desire
Ashika  (Hindu)
Hope, Desire
Bittan  (German)
Bitten  (German)
Coachuhhar  (Irish)
High Desire
Conner  (Irish)
Hound Lover. Variant of Connor: Full of Desire; Much Desire
Connor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire. Famous Bearers: in Irish Mythology Connor Was an Early King of Ulster.; Th Century Irish Diplomat Conor Crui
Connor  (Irish)
High Desire
Conor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire
Cornelia  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Cornelius  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Corney  (Irish)
Diminutive of Cornelius: Strong Willed or Wise. Cornelius is Sometimes Used As a Translation of the Name Conchubhar Meaning High Desire
Dalila  (Hebrew)
Desired; Languishing. Famous Bearer: Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Dearbhail  (Irish)
True Desire
Delila  (Hebrew)
Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Derval  (Irish)
True Desire
Dervilia  (Irish)
True Desire
Dervla  (Irish)
True Desire
Des  (Spanish)
Desarae  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired'
Desaree  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired'
Deseree  (French)
French for Desired or Hope, Used for a Longed-for Baby
Desi  (Spanish)
Desideria  (French)
The One Desired. Desired
Desideria  (Spanish)
Desiderio  (Hispanic)
Desiderio  (Spanish)
Desiderio  (Norse)
Desiderio  (Spanish)
Desirae  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired'
Desirat  (French)
The One Desired. Desired
Desirata  (Latin)
Desiree  (French)
Longed for (Desire)
Desiree  (French)
Desired. The One Desired. Famous Bearer: Napoleon Bonaparte's Mistress
Desiree  (French)
Desyre  (English)
Variant of French Desiree
Dezirae  (French)
Variant of Desiree Meaning 'The One Desired. '
92 names found for "Desire"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Ilse | Wheatley | Bondig | Sele | Maxime | Iglika | Pheobus | Marianna | Aleta | Arden | Perazim | Abie | Justin | Willoughby | Hans |