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Names That Mean Dian

311 names found for "Dian"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Dian? We couldn't find the exact name Dian, but listed below are some first names meaning Dian or names similar to the word Dian.

Similar Names

Dain | Daman | Damian | Dan | Dana | Dane | Dani | Dann | Dano | Dany |

Related Names

Renweard  (Anglo Saxon)
Guardian of the House
Rickward  (English)
Strong Guardian
Ricweard  (English)
Strong Guardian
Rikward  (English)
Strong Guardian
Sabooh  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabuh: Bright. Radiant
Sabuh  (Muslim)
Bright. Radiant
Saeweard  (English)
Sea Guardian
Samara  (Hebrew)
Seaward  (English)
Sea Guardian
Selma  (Teutonic)
Seward  (English)
Sea Guardian
Seward  (Anglo Saxon)
Sea Guardian; Guards the Coast
Sexton  (English)
Church Custodian
Shemer  (Biblical)
Guardian, Thorn
Shemer  (Biblical)
Guardian, Thorn
Shivaprakash  (Hindu)
Radiance of Shiva
Suchi  (Hindu)
Radiant Glow
Tagi  (Native American)
Wash Tub (In Zuni Indian)
Taliesin  (Welsh)
Handsome; Radiant Brow. Th Century Welsh Bard and Author of the Book of Taliesin
Taliesin  (Welsh)
Radiant Brow
Tanairi  ()
It Comes from the Taino Indians of Puerto Rico
Ted  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. Also an Abbreviation of Theodore
Teddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. Also an Abbreviation of Theodore
Teddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. Also an Abbreviation of Theodore
Teja  (Indian)
Teja  (Hindu)
Tejal  (Indian)
Tejal  (Hindu)
Tejaswini  (Hindu)
Tejaswini  (Indian)
Tejus  (Hindu)
Radiance, Splendor, Brilliance
Tennessee  (Native American)
Originally an Indian Place, Now a State
Terentia  (Greek)
Treddian  (Anglo Saxon)
Trivia  (Latin)
Another Name for Diana
Tulasidas  (Hindu)
Devotee of Tulasi, a Famous Indian Sage/Poet
Varchas  (Hindu)
Vedetta  (Italian)
Vedette  (Italian)
Vibha  (Indian)
Vibha  (Hindu)
Viridianai  (Latin)
Green. an Italian Saint's Name
Ward  (English)
Guardian (Worden)
Ward  (English)
Warda  (German)
Wardell  (English)
From the Guardian's Hill
Wardley  (English)
From the Guardian's Meadow
Weardhyll  (English)
From the Guardian's Hill
Weardleah  (English)
From the Guardian's Meadow
Wilhelmina  (English)
Determined Guardian; a Feminine Form of William ( Billi, Billie, Billym Gugliema, Guillema, Guillemette, Min, Mina, Minna, Minni, Minnie, Minny, Valma, Velma, Vilhelmina, Vilma, Wileen Wilhelmine, Wil
311 names found for "Dian"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Naava | Kimimela | Aldea | Griffin | Dubhagain | Hamar | Kamilla | Lorenzo | Linus | Donelle | Gwernach | Gervase | Zeruah | Moritz | Naseem |