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Meaning of the Name Dino

The first name Dino is of Spanish, English, Italian, Greek origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Spanish: Abbreviation of Names Ending Like Bernardino
English: From the Dene
Italian: Little Sword
Greek: Sister of the Gorgons

Similar Names

Dain | Daine | Dan | Dana | Dane | Dani | Dann | Danno | Dano | Danon |

Related Names

Andino  (Italian)
Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Bernardino  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave
Dinora  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinora  (Spanish)
Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and Vindicated. in the Bible Dinah Was Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinorah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinos  (Greek)
From of Constantine
Kiwidinok  (Native American)
Of the Wind (Chippewa)
Kiwidinok  (Native American)
Woman of the Wind

Additional Names

Psyche | Sivan | Kshitija | Shalom | Daisy | Kishion | Dichali | Juanetta | Jerom | Peter | Mitchell | Suhayr | Cosam | Esme | Janet |