Dahna(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Dahnya(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Don(English) A Diminutive of Donald, Meaning World Mighty, or Donovan, Meaning Dark Brown. Frequently Used As a Name on Its Own.Abbreviation of Any Name Beginning With Don-. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known A
Dona(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donald(English) World Ruler; Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall. (Don, Dolly, Donnie, Donny)
Donalda(Scottish) World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)
Donella(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donelle(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donetta(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donielle(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donisha(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donnag(Scottish) World Ruler; a Feminine Diminutive Form of Donald, an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Short Forms: Donna. Pet Names: Doileag, Dolag, Dollag. (Don-nah)
Donnalee(Italian) Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donny(Gaelic) Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donny(Irish) Diminutive of Donovan: Brown-haired Chieftain. from an Irish Surname Meaning Dark Brown
Donny(Scottish) Diminutive of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty
Donny(English) Diminutive of Donald: from the Gaelic Domhnall, Meaning World Mighty. Also a Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld