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Meaning of the Name Doon

The first name Doon is of Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: From Doon

Similar Names

Dain | Damon | Dan | Dann | Danon | Dean | Deen | Deion | Den | Deon |

Related Names

Khaldoon  (Muslim)
Variant of Khaldun: Old Arabic Name
Lorna  (Scottish)
Feminine of Lorne from Loren Referring to the Laurel Tree Symbolic of Honor or Victory. Heroine of Blackmoore's Novel Lorna Doone

Additional Names

Sonny | Dorris | Aethelhard | Persia | Makkedah | Sutherland | Salvator | Raj | Eduard | Maurissa | Maufitz | Darron | Leo | Jacinto | Apala |